# Time tracking for the paranoid.
I can Python, I like data, too much---
## Context
* Some companies have their own product, some work for multiple clients.
* Then some of us have to track time spent on a given task, specific project
or client because... budgets. Lucky you who don't! It gets annoying.
* Multiple solutions are already there: toggl, harvest, RescueTime,
hamster, internal ones...
* And I hate them all
* they rarely do what I want,
* often impossible to extend,
* have a terminal client (and bash_completions)
* work off-line
## What do I want?
* If I'm spending time on paperwork, I want to have full
control, ability to process that data... and go PARANOID:
* visualize my work patterns
* do useful stats - focus factor
* tell me how much I've worked "right now" when my working hours are
irregular and when is *enough*
* answer questions like
* What is my typical productivity?
* How does it change when working remotely?
* What are my break patterns?
* Is the task nearing its time budget?
* Accept the inconvenience
## Should I, should anyone?
* Probably not, you might be focusing on the wrong problem...
* Some people might take it the wrong way :|
* Maybe just change the job if they make you do stupid things?
* Meh... You want to know!
## Here's my app
* Alpha, POC, dirty, bad but working code, really bad frontend but
who cares
* Not ready for use unless you try hard
* Keep it minimal, throw away and rewrite when idea matures.
* Django, only four models
* No tests, you mad?!
## Conclusion
* typically 63% focus factor - 5hours 2minutes 24 seconds :P
* Remotely +16%, that's ~6hours more of pure focused work per week (but I tried
hard). That's what I wanted to know!
* Visualizing helped, funny to see how I wake up later and later as the week
progresses. ---
# Thanks!
Questions? Bashings? Drinks? Hire me for remote work ? ;)
Find me. Yellow Pants.